Thursday, June 5, 2008

One of the unique spring sounds of Rancho Palos Verdes, and our neighboring cities of Rolling Hills Estates and Palos Verdes Estates,  is the mating call of the peacock.  Those of you who don't have this birds walking around your neighborhood probably think of them as beautiful, exotic birds.  They are beautiful.  If  one of them were to park under your bedroom window at 2 a.m. and repeatedly give its raucous mating cry,  your opinion of them would quickly change.  We occasionally see two or three of them strolling down the middle of one of our curvy, major streets.  


Rachel E. Adams said...

Great peacock shot. Remember Juliana Vigil? She posted a very similar shot today. Check it out at

JM Vigil said...

Another pretty boy! Thanks Rachel for the mention.

ptowngirl said...

You're right -- they are beautiful, but loud noises at the window at 2 am would get old pretty quick!


Julie M said...

I just found your blog today and am enjoying a leisurely tour of your neighborhood. I grew up in Rolling Hills and it's great fun to see some of these sites again. I've often thought about the peacocks and wondered if they were still there. Now I know!

Wayfarers Chapel

Wayfarers Chapel
See the archived posts from June about this historic and beautiful chapel.